Investor FAQ

When was Pacira founded?
We were incorporated in Delaware under the name Blue Acquisition Corp. in December 2006 and changed our name to Pacira, Inc. in June 2007. In October 2010, we changed our name to Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc. In April 2019, we changed our name to Pacira BioSciences, Inc.
When was Pacira’s initial public offering what was the offering price?

Pacira went public on February 3, 2011 at a price of $7.00 per share.

Does Pacira pay a dividend?

Pacira does not currently pay a dividend to holders of its common stock.

What is Pacira’s stock symbol and where does it trade?

Pacira common stock trades on the NASDAQ Global Select Stock Market under the ticker PCRX.

Who is Pacira’s transfer agent?

462 South 4th Street Suite 1600
o P.O. Box 43006
Providence, RI 02940-3006

I am thinking of investing in Pacira stock. How can I obtain more information about the company?

You should review our public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission that are available from our SEC Filings page or at These filings, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and any subsequent reports on Form 10-Q, contain important information regarding risks that could significantly and negatively affect our business and the trading price of our common stock.

How can I get copies of financial documents, such as 10-Q and 10-K?

Reports are available for download from our SEC Filings page; hard copies can be requested on our Information Request page.

Can I make direct stock purchases from the company?

No, Pacira does not have a program for the direct purchase of stock.

Has Pacira ever had any stock splits?

No, Pacira has not had any stock splits since going public.

How do I find out about upcoming events?

Please see our Event Calendar page.